honest adj. 1.诚实的;正直的,耿直的;坦率的,坦白的,正派的,公正的。 2.可敬的,有好名声的。 3.〔古语〕可靠的,善良的;贞节的。 4.(金钱)用正当手段获得的。 5.(酒等)真正的,纯正的。 6.朴实的,普通的。 an honest man 正直的人。 an honest woman 贞节的女人。 an honest living 正正派派的生活。 the honest truth 原原本本的事实。 honest goods 真货。 honest food 普通饭菜。 be honest with 对…说老实话,同…规规矩矩来往。 be quite honest about it 老实说〔常用作插入语〕。 earn [turn] an honest penny 用正当手段挣钱。 H- Injun ! 〔俚语〕没错! 真的!〔作副词用〕。
to be honest (作插入语)老实说;说实在的; 老实讲; 老实说,说实在的; 说实话,实在得说; 坦率地说
Just the fruits of our good , honest labor 只有庄稼和我们努力的劳动
Settling down . honest labor 安下心来做老实的劳动力
In primary distribution , we should pay more attention to efficiency , bringing the market forces into play and encouraging part of the people to become rich first through honest labor and lawful operations 初次分配注重效率,发挥市场的作用,鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动合法经营先富起来。
In primary distribution , we should pay more attention to efficiency , bringing the market forces into play and encouraging part of the people to become rich first through honest labor and lawful operations 初次分配注重效率,发挥市场的作用,鼓励一部分人通过诚实劳动、合法经营先富起来。